When we went to Lanzarote, I was very happy to discover where one of my favorite writers, José Saramago lived for almost 18 years of his life. The home that served as the writer's refuge, inspiration and source of peace.
Jose Saramago was a Portuguese writer and recipient of the 1998 Nobel Prize in Literature, he has written several novels; probably my favorite one is Ensaio sobre a cegueira, meaning Essay on Blindness. If you haven't read it already, then you should start now.
José Saramago said that books must be opened carefully, because they have the author inside, with all their sensitivity, with everything that has made them unique and unrepeatable. This library has people on the shelves and Saramago was planning to spend a lot of time with it, come to read and talk with his contemporaries or with those who had gone before him. But it could not be. The project was cut short because death is neither intelligent nor compassionate.
Photography: Alan Díaz